CCR Fourth Annual Conference – Sacramento
IMPORTANT: Due to the rapidly changing environment surrounding COVID-19 and official guidance from the Governor and public health officials to limit gatherings of 250 or more, CPOC is canceling this event. We apologize as we were looking forward to this event; however, the current health concerns that are posed by large gatherings prohibits us from moving forward with the event at this time. Please note, we are working to determine when we can offer our conference and hope to have additional guidance, including what to do if you have already paid your registration fee, to all attendees in the coming week so check back soon.
Elevating the Future of Foster Youth and Families in
The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) Foundation is
excited to release registration for our Fourth Annual Continuum
of Care (CCR) Conference! Elevating the Future of Foster Youth
and Families in California conference will be held on April 6-7,
2020 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. As California continues to
learn and build on evolving strength-based practices, we look
forward to providing a two-day conference built upon further
advancing our shared work to improve the well-being of foster
youth, families and support teams across the state.
Preliminary Schedule
April 6, 2020: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
April 7, 2020: 8:15 AM – 3:00 PM