Continuum of Care Reform: Advanced Administrators’ Course – Sacramento
California’s Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) is creating significant change in the delivery of services to youth and their families involved in the juvenile probation system. This one-day course will move beyond the basics of CCR and will provide an advanced, interactive training session specifically for managers, division directors and other executive probation administrators. Among the topics to be addressed: the relevance of CCR to juvenile probation and the legal and data requirements, the various funding sources and what are allowable expenses, strategies for improved policy and practice decisions, organizing your division/unit for successful implementation and examples and strategies from probation departments across the state.
Instructor: Gregory Glazzard, Monterey County Probation Department
8 STC Hours (Certification # 02158787)
Cost: $40 (Registration Fee)
Registration Link:
Lunch will be provided.