Live Webinar – Think Trauma: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Youth and Young Adults in the Justice System


As many as 90% of youth involved in the justice system have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Traumatic events can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, community violence, and/or disasters. This training is designed to assist individuals working with youth and young adults in the justice system understand trauma and its impact on the youth. Participants will learn: 1. how exposure to traumatic events has affected the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of youth in the juvenile justice system and young adults on probation; 2. how trauma may derail normal childhood and adolescent development and affect a youth/young adult’s ability to adapt to and cope with challenging situations; 3. offer a better understanding of the behaviors youth develop to survive traumatic events, and what happens when these ways of coping are no longer appropriate; and 4. look at the toll working with traumatized youth/young adults can take on staff and will help participants reduce their own stress in order to cope with situations that are the most challenging. Understanding and implementing strategies to address traumatized youth/young adults in the justice system have the capacity to relieve the suffering caused by trauma and PTSD, as well as potentially reduce a youth/young adults’ future health, mental health, and correctional involvement.

Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Jones

Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Cost: $120.00 (STC Tuition) 

STC certification: 04601901 (7 hours) 

Platform: Zoom Meetings 

Webcams and microphones are encouraged.

Registration link: