CPOC Statement


SACRAMENTO – “As an association that represents all appointed Probation Chiefs throughout California, we want to be very clear that we in no way condone the behavior and actions seen on the recent video released by the LA Times that took place at Campus Kilpatrick. Under no circumstances is this reflective of the training, standards or best practices of probation statewide and is unacceptable.

Supervision and care of youth placed by the court in probation’s care requires and deserves a highly skilled, trained, and supported workforce. What was on this video is offensive and not consistent with statewide standards and certainly not reflective of our institutions or dedicated staff throughout the state.

We believe accountability and respect is both for the officer and the person in our care. This unacceptable action is a violation of statewide standards and training, and not reflective of the caring, compassionate work being done by probation professionals with youth in detention throughout the state.”


Statement Issued by: CPOC President, Chief Jennifer Branning