Daily Republic: Probation Department: ‘Positive Change’ makes difference for adult offenders


By Daily Republic Staff in Daily Republic

FAIRFIELD — The Solano County supervisors on Tuesday will receive a Probation Department presentation on adult recidivism.

“The department has partnered with Beyond the Arc Inc. since 2017 to analyze recidivism rates for adult clients. The current study looked at recidivism rates of adult clients that successfully completed the Center for Positive Change,” the staff report to the board states.

“An independent review of criminal justice records by BTA found that clients that successfully complete the CPC have a lower recidivism rate than those who did not complete the program. The department attributes this success to the innovative programing (cognitive behavioral therapy, substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, job readiness, and vocational training), the supervision services that are provided which seek to reduce reoffending, and the staff who work with clients in an effort to help them be successful,” the report states.

“Providing barrier removal services to include housing continues to be a need for many clients. The Department has made a concerted effort to apply for and utilize grants to assist clients with temporary and permanent housing. To date, over 150 clients have received assistance,” the report adds.

“Lastly, the department’s approach of balancing treatment, and providing services with accountability is critical in ensuring community safety. The department’s participation in the Office of Traffic Safety grant provides an opportunity to partner with local law enforcement agencies to conduct DUI Checkpoints and allows the Probation officers to identify treatment needs and refer clients to services as needed.”

The board meets at 9 a.m. in the first-floor chamber of the government center, 675 Texas St., in Fairfield.