April 24, 2023
CalAIM JI PATH Round 3 Draft Guidance
In anticipation of the opening of the PATH Round 3 Funding
Application at the beginning of May, please find attached draft
guidance for PATH Round 3. The PATH Round 3 application will be
open from May 1 – July 31. For any follow up questions related to
the PATH Round 3 Guidance and Application, please reach out to
the following inbox: justice-involved@ca-path.com.
PATH JI Capacity Building Round 3 Guidance
Overview of DHCS’ CalAIM Justice-Involved
CCJBH put together a document that gives a overview of the CalAIM
Justice Involved Initiative. You can find the document
CalAIM Justice-Involved Waiver Approval –
Attached is the DHCS power point from the February CalAIM
Justice-Impacted Advisory Group meeting. The focus of this
meeting was to provide updates on the Justice-Impacted Waiver
which received federal approval earlier this year on January
26th. Please note that the document is expansive only because it
includes background information previously provided in past
releases in addition to an appendix providing detailed
definitions for various conditions and covered services. We
thought it would be of benefit to provide the document in its
entirety as the overview of previously released information could
be helpful as we continue to engage on the intersect with CalAIM
and probation. In an effort to streamline the information, noted
below are several relevant sections for reference:
- Monitoring and Evaluation (slides 15-17) – given this is a major initiative and Congress and other states are interested in its implementation and effectiveness, DHCS is planning an evaluation of the process. This section outlines the proposed evaluation framework and what factors will be included for review.
- Implementation Plan and Readiness Assessment Process (slides 19-28) - CA is required to submit a Reentry Demonstration plan to provide detailed information on the state’s approach to implementing the initiative including timelines to meet various milestones (slide 20). As part of the Demonstration plan, all prisons, jails and youth facilities will be required to demonstrate readiness to participate in the justice-involved initiative and submit their information five months prior to going live with pre-release services. This section outlines the focus areas and provisions required in the Readiness Assessment Submission Process (slides 22-28).
- Looking Ahead (slides 35-37) - Correctional facilities will be required to go live with pre-release services no sooner than April 1, 2024, and no later than March 31, 2026. This section outlines information DHCS intends to provide relating to policy requirements and operational expectations. DHCS is targeting May 2023 to release draft guidance for implementation of pre-release services for stakeholder review and feedback. The finalized Policy and Operational Guidance will be released in summer 2023. Also included in this section is the timing for Release of Path Funds (Round 3). DHCS intends to release draft PATH Round 3 guidance in April and plans to open the application process later this year.
- Additional information can be found on the DHCS website, CalAIM Justice-Involved Initiative page – https://www.dhcs.ca.gov.
Notification of Policy Letters from DHCS – Medil 23-24,
county compliance date and monitoring plan for CalAIM mandated
pre-release Medi-Cal application process- related to ACWDL
DHCS has published the Medi-Cal Division Information Letter
(MEDIL) 23-24 on County Compliance Date and Monitoring Plan for
CalAIM Mandated Pre-release Medi-Cal Application Process Related
to ACWDL 22-27. The MEDIL can be accessed from the link below.
This Letter is to notify counties that they must comply with
establishing the mandatory Pre-Release Medi–Cal Application
Process by June 30, 2023, and to communicate to DHCS’ approach
for monitoring and oversight activities for County Correctional
Facilities, County Youth Correctional Facilities, and County
Welfare Departments (CWDs), including overall compliance with the
mandated processes. More information about the mandated CalAIM
pre-release Medi-Cal application process can be found in
All County Welfare Directors Letter (ACWDL) 22-27, issued by
DHCS in November 2022.
As outlined in Penal Code section 4011.11(g), DHCS has the authority to issue policy for CCFs via all-county letters or similar instructions, without taking any further regulatory action.
Additionally, they encourage CCFs and their designated entities to participate in DHCS’ CalAIM Pre-Release Application sub-workgroup, which meets bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 3 pm to discuss a variety of topics related to the mandated CalAIM pre-release Medi-Cal application process and allows counties to engage with each other on processes to operationalize the mandate.