CCR: Fiscal – Sacramento
IMPORTANT: Due to many counties limiting travel to necessary activities, CPOC is suspending all trainings through the end of March, including the CCR Fiscal training scheduled for March 17th. We will be reassessing how best to get the most critical trainings back on the calendar including but not limited to rescheduling or online opportunities where appropriate.
Description: California’s Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) is creating significant change in the delivery of services to youth and their families involved in the juvenile probation system. CCR resulted in additional funding streams to an already complex funding system. This eight-hour course will provide a detailed, interactive training session that includes strategies to maximize these new funding opportunities and addresses the financial procedures that Fiscal and Program Managers must understand to meet the requirements of CCR. Among the topics to be covered: an overview of relevant terminology, a summary of County Fiscal Letters (CFLs), review of applicable funding streams and how to access them, examples of allowable and non-allowable claiming, case studies and best practices for leveraging the different funding streams, and responses to frequently asked questions by county departments.
Date: March 17th, 2020.
Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm
No cost to attend this training
Location: Sacramento, CA
STC Certification: 09978762 (7 STC Credits)
Lunch will be provided
Registration Link: