CCR Fiscal Training- Sacramento
California’s Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) is changing the delivery of services to youth and their families involved in foster care. In addition to new policies and practices, the CCR reform contained new funding streams to cover the new mandates which have their own claiming guidelines. This eight-hour course will provide a detailed, interactive training session that includes innovative strategies to maximize these new funding opportunities and address the financial procedures that Fiscal and Program Managers must understand to meet the requirements of CCR. Among the topics to be covered: an overview of relevant terminology, a summary of County Fiscal Letters (CFLs), review of applicable funding streams and strategies to utilize the funding, including examples of allowable and non-allowable claiming, case studies and best practices for leveraging the different funding streams. We encourage program and fiscal staff to attend this training together, so they can share ideas on how to use the funding to serve foster youth served by probation
Total Due: $40.00 (STC Tuition)
Location: Sacramento
STC Certification Number: 09978762
Registration Link: