CWS/CMS New User Training for DPO Probation
Class Full


*Please note that this training is for Sacramento Region only (Counties are: Alpine; Amador; Calaveras; El Dorado; Lake; Nevada; Placer; Sacramento; San Joaquin; Sutter; Yolo, and Yuba).

This training is an overview and skills practice of the CWS/CMS functionality that relates to the data fields needed to document probation placement outcome data for state and federal government. This course will focus on the state and federal field documentation requirements specific to Probation officers working with youth in placement 

This course takes one and a half days to complete.

DAY 1: October 30, 2019 8:00am – 5:00pm

DAY 2: October 31, 2019 8:00am – 12:00pm

Instructor: Cathy Groh

STC Certification # (Pending)

Location: Sacramento, CA

There is no charge for this course.

Lunch will not be provided.