Live Webinar: California’s Integrated Core Practice Model for Children and Youth


Course Summary:

This 3.5-hour virtual training is intended to provide attendees with background, history and practice level content about California’s Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) as it relates to installation of both effective child and family practices, and to support interagency System of Care implementation under AB 2083. Within that System of Care partnership, a multi-agency guide, containing the essential principles and values of all those who seek to serve young people and their families is the cornerstone of implementation.

This learning experience, orients attendees to what is a System of Care for children and youth and why it has been chosen by the state as the county level structure for integrated services. Attendees further will explore the evidenced-based elements of the ICPM and will have awareness about how the practice model can be used to improve service delivery.

Instructors: Richard Knecht and Chris Van Orden will be co-presenters for this training. Richard Knecht is the lead engineer for the state’s System of Care work and has led the development of California’s Integrated Core Practice Model, the nation’s first multi-agency Core Practice Model for children and youth. He presently serves as an advisor and consultant to the California State Department of Social Services and its partners, providing guidance and cross-system statewide technical assistance toward integrated management processes for children and families. Chris Van Orden is a Deputy Probation Officer II from Napa County Probation Department. He presently serves as a Child and Family Team (CFT) Facilitator/Trainer for the County of Napa and has provided technical assistance to numerous county departments as it pertains to CFTs. Also, Chris Van Orden has provided multiple trainings for CPOC, including CFT Facilitation trainings, which the ICPM was integrated into the curriculum.   

Targeted Audience: Probation Placement Supervisors and Above

Platform: Zoom

Time: 8:30am – 12:00pm

No cost to attend this training. 

STC certification: 02501430 (3.5 STC Hours) 

Webcam and microphones are encouraged. 

Click to register here.