Live Webinar – CCR Enhancing Caseworker Visits for Foster Care Youth to Succeed


Quality engagement is essential when visiting youth in out-of-home care as this crucial component assist with ensuring positive outcomes for foster care youth. Since the federal passage of the Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006, the state of California has upgraded the performance standards for caseworker visits to be in accordance with federal guidelines that includes frequency, location, and quality of caseworker visits. This 4-hour webinar will assist in understanding the key elements of quality caseworker visits while also incorporating federal/state guidelines with current probation research and practices.

The target audience for this webinar is all those working in juvenile placement.

Instructor – Rob Edmisten, Sacramento County Probation Department 
Guest Speaker – Katie Moore, California Department of Social Services 

No charge for this course

STC Certification Number: 08372167 (certified for 4 STC Credits) 

Click Here for Registration