Live Webinar – Cultural Diversity in Corrections: How You See Me Matters
The attendees will be exposed to topics and definitions of
racism, discrimination, bias, implicit biases and prejudice. The
course will expose the attendees to the psychology behind toxic
and damaging thought patterns that can create negative behaviors
in the corrections field. In addition, attendees will gain a
greater situational awareness of their interpretation of their
work environments by understanding why we think the way we do
about on duty activities. The intent of this course is to have
each attendee understand the pattern of their own subconscious
thoughts and how this can affect actions that can lead to a
positive or negative outcome. This course will also discuss
sensitivity to culture, race and sex.
Instructor: Jason Dale – Orange County Probation
Time: 8:30am-12:30pm
Cost: $75.00
STC cert #: 04198163
Course full – Registration is now closed.