Live Webinar: How to Facilitate CFTs in the Midst of COVID-19
In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, counties may experience certain barriers when trying to conduct a Child and Family Team (CFT) meeting as well as increase in additional CFT meetings as youth are also feeling anxious in this moment while apart from their families. This 3-hour webinar will provide a high-level overview of the basic requirements of a CFT, will help staff develop a better understanding on how to facilitate a CFT meeting and handle complex situations during COVID-19 epidemic. This course will also capture the guidance that was provided by CDSS in the All County Letter (ACL) 20-25 and authorized waivers allowing for CFTs to be completed remotely. The targeted audience for this webinar is for those working in juvenile placement.
Instructor: Chris Van Orden, Napa County Probation Department
Time: 8:30am – 11:30am
STC # 07845185 (Certified for 3 STC hours)
No cost to attend.