Suicide Prevention – Rancho Cucamonga


IMPORTANT: Due to many counties limiting travel to necessary activities, CPOC is suspending all trainings through the end of March. We will be reassessing how best to get the most critical trainings back on the calendar including but not limited to rescheduling or online opportunities where appropriate. 

The training would cover data, research-based warning signs for adults and for youth, risk and protective factors, asking about suicide, listening and responding to suicide, conducting suicide risk assessments, building support networks and systems, reducing suicide risk in environmentally, follow-up and reintegration issues, as well as documentation best practices.  There would also be a skill-based component added to the session to have participants engage in an activity.

Instructor: Dr. Dan Reidenberg

Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Time: 8:30 – 11:30

Cost: $85.00

STC certification pending for 3 STC hours.

Lunch will not be provided.