The Chief Probation Officers of California Foundation partnered
with Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile
Justice to deliver a training series to Probation Chiefs and
probation staff. These On-Demand modules support a
foundational framework for the local implementation of SB 823
that is focused on proven, successful evidence-based practices.
Modules incorporate adolescent brain research and positive youth
development with an emphasis on trauma informed practices, family
engagement, and race, equity and inclusion.
Modules include:
- History of SB 823 and SB 92
- SYTF Core Elements for Court Orders & Court Report
- The Individual Rehabilitation Plan (IRP)
- Status Review Hearings
- Preparing for Re-entry
- Engaging Youth, Families and MDT Partners
- Working with Transition Age Youth
- Positive Incentive Behavior Programs (available
October 2023)
Click here to
access the On-Demand platform