CPOC Releases the Connector!
Quarterly Newsletter to Bring you Highlights of California Probation's Work

Quarterly Newsletter

Welcome to The Connector!

In this quarterly newsletter, the Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) will share stories, articles and highlights of the often unseen work Probation does throughout California to create safer communities through accountability and opportunity.  

California Probation is highly unique from other probation entities throughout the nation. California probation officers are diverse and highly educated professionals with over 72% of probation officers in California identifying as non-white, and 51% are women, the majority have four-year degrees, and over half of probation departments have employed former system-involved individuals.

California Probation’s trademark approach to community safety is a careful and evidence-based balance of justice-involved individuals’ need for accountability along with their need for the help, hope and opportunity they need to safely leave the justice system permanently. This creates long-term, sustainable safety in our communities.