Third Annual Continuum of Care Reform Conference: What Lies Ahead… CCR in 2019 and Beyond
June 20-21, 2019


Thank you to all the presenters and attendees at the 2019 CCR conference! It was an incredibly productive two days of discussions and workshops tackling the unresolved challenges of CCR and highlighting the many successes we have seen thus far.  What was most evident at the conference was that Probation departments have done incredible work expanding youth and family engagement beyond anyone’s expectations to make CCR work for all youth.  Below you can find more information about the sessions at the conference.  


Conference Agenda


June 20th Morning General Session – CCR in 2019 and Beyond

Department of Social Services PowerPoint

Department of Health Care Services PowerPoint


June 20th Afternoon General Session – Families First Prevention Services Act Update (FFPSA)

Families First Prevention Services Act Update (FFPSA) PowerPoint


Breakout Sessions 

1. Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities of Youth in Foster Care

Reducing Racial & Ethnic Disparities of Youth in FC - Alameda Probation and Dr. Soto

2. Youth-Serving Agencies Partnering Across Systems for Better Outcomes

Youth Serving Agencies Partnering

3. Taking Wraparound Services to the Next Level by Utilizing Collaboration

Wraparound to Next Level

4. Promising Strategies to Recruit Resource Families 

Promising Strategies to Recruit Resource

5. Maximizing Child and Family Team to Strengthen Families and Help Youth Achieve their Goals

CPOC CCR Maximizing Child and Family Teams to Strengthen Families

6. Achieving Better Outcomes for Foster Youth via the Georgetown Crossover Youth Practice Model

Achieving Better Outcomes

7. Achieving Permanency for Foster Youth who Cannot Return Home

Achieving Permanency for Foster Youth who Cannot Return Home

8. Resource Family Approval from the Viewpoint of the Youth and their Relatives

Emergency Caregiving Funding Experience

Resource Famlily Approval Panel Discussion

9. Meeting the Highest Needs – Roundtable Discussions with Providers about Capacity and Intensive Service Needs of Youth being Referred to STRTPs. 

Meeting the Highest Needs

10. Strengthening Families and Preventing Placement by Offering Intensive Home-Based Services

PowerPoint - Strengthening Families and Preventing Placement

Handout - Strengthening Families and Preventing Placement

11. Meeting the Needs of Youth and Families through Cultural Responsiveness 

Meeting the Needs of Youth

12. What is the Integrated Core Practice Model and How Does it Help Counties Achieve Better Outcomes for Foster Youth

California's Integrated Core Model for Children and Youth