Success Stories


Kings County Probation Department FAVOR Unit College Tour Program
Kings County

On November 20, 2015, the Kings County Probation Department FAVOR (Facilitating Accountability through Victim Offender Restoration) Unit in collaboration with Kings County Behavioral Health achieved the first college tour to University of California Berkley, where several at-risk minors integrated with non at-risk minors from Kings County were given the opportunity to experience the likes of a college campus firsthand. Tours to Fresno State University and the University of Los Angeles California have followed the Cal Berkley college tour.


A Probation and Drug Court Success Story
Humboldt County

August 28, 2014 found probationer Jerrica Taylor placed in Humboldt Recovery Center (HRC), attending Thinking for a Change, Moral Reconation Therapy and anger management interventions as well as one-on-one counseling. She was convicted of Drunk Driving Causing Injury; she was the cause of a head on collision on Highway 96. The victim suffered shattered arms and legs as well as a fractured pelvis, has undergone 4 surgeries, and has now begun to walk again. The victim lost her business in Fortuna and her daughter had to quit her job to care for her.